Online internet marketing isn't really a new thing these days since it first began during the early years of the Internet. However, it is becoming more popular than ever as more advertisers are seeking to bring their products to the web in hopes of making money from the so many consumers online looking for a good product, service, or business opportunity.
People still look for these quality products and services using the most popular method, searching using the search engines. Once you make a search query, you'll find hundreds to millions of search results with many of them containing links to articles that try to route you to the right path. Advertisers make articles with certain keywords so that their pages show up in the first results. While that is an effective way in adding visibility to the product or service website, the articles themselves can be pretty boring to read. If they are poorly written, the entire article will just be ignored and your site won't get traffic.
However, you can fix this problem by converting your articles into exciting videos. Social media marketing is so big these days so it is important to keep up with the competition and go on the same level as other companies that have found success in advertising through the use of videos.
You don't need to be a professional though in getting this done. In fact, there are three ways to convert your articles into videos and it's not very hard to do.
Let a Service Do it For You
There are some good services that can easily convert your article into a video like the one at You will need some money to spare, but the packages aren't that expensive and are worth it if you want to create a good marketing campaign fast. Basically, the service can turn your articles to videos in less than three minutes and immediately let you distribute them from there.
Create Your Own Video
This method is obviously longer than letting a service do it for you, but making a video yourself can be fun for some people and it's a great experience in trying to make a good presentation. Since you are the creator, the possibilities are virtually endless and you have more of an advantage if you have some good commercial video editing software. Still Windows Movie Maker is a great choice for beginners and it is enough to convert articles into videos.
Make a Screen Presentation
Screen capture software is perfect for articles that are designed to teach people. Onscreen presentations are far easier to understand than written ones and will definitely drive more interest to any of your linked sites. There are several commercial screen capture software available, but starters can try CamStudio 2.0, which is completely free and and can convert your articles to videos quite painlessly. Then just sync it with your narration and you should be ready to go.
You don't have to delete your article after you have your video since none of the words on the video can be indexed. Therefore, it is best to have the article for indexing and the video to really help guide people.
To conclude, I think that if you do not want to spend too much of your time or money on converting your articles to videos then going for a dedicated service which can do it for you is the best option.
The advantage of converting your articles to videos is enormous considering its reach and efficacy and this is something worth looking into if you're serious about your online business. converts your articles to videos to bring more traffic to your online business in three simple steps. It's really fun, fast and effective and backed by people having hands on experience with online marketing
Convert your Articles to Exciting Videos
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