You have owned a small company for awhile now. Business is good, and your office is humming along. You work hard and are rewarded for it. Your hours are long, and you have not minded at all since you love what you do. However, lately you have been thinking that it would be nice to take a vacation. You know that to simply close down for two weeks would result in the loss of much needed revenue, with the side effect of ending the high you are currently riding.
Fortunately, it is now easier than ever to take your office on the road. Laptop computer prices have dropped significantly in recent months, and offer an experience identical in every way to that of a desktop. However, for those who do not wish to invest in a laptop, as well as those with employees who need to stay connected, less costly alternatives exist.
Both Pocket PCs and Pocket PC cell phones offer a variety of software applications. Many of your favorite desktop programs are available in mobile versions. These programs offer virtually the same experience as their desktop equivalents, though sometimes with less functionality. A variety of third party software applications, designed specifically for mobile devices, are also available.
One key difference between the two devices is that the cell phone option offers wireless internet over the cellular network, while the Pocket PC requires a Wi-Fi card and a hotspot. However, Wi-Fi hotspots are often free or low-cost, while data charges on the cellular network tend to be costly.
Other differences are the size of the display and the style of input device. Generally the screen is larger on a Pocket PC, and these devices are more likely to utilize a traditional keyboard rather than a touch screen. However, both devices utilize the same software applications.
Data transfer from your desktop computer to a Pocket PC or Pocket PC phone is simple. A data cable or a cradle may be used. Either way, your documents can be quickly and easily transferred from computer to handheld device and back. The mobile versions of your favorite applications are designed for seamless transition.
Mobile versions of many websites are also available, and new ones are constantly added. Both the layout and the bandwidth usage of these sites are designed specifically for the needs of the mobile user.
Bluetooth is a fairly new wireless technology that allows mobile devices to communicate with each other, as well as with computers, without the need to be physically connected. The technology is not yet fully implemented; however it is expected to become the new standard. Therefore, when shopping for new devices, be sure to check that they are Bluetooth-enabled. Other Bluetooth compatible devices include mobile printers and even GPS tracking systems.
A cell phone, laptop computer, and/or Pocket PC ensure maximum portability for your home office. In the modern world, it is simply not necessary to stay at home in order to run a home-based business. You can travel wherever and whenever you like, secure in the knowledge that you can still fully operate your company while you are away.
Making Your Office Portable: What Are the Options?
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