If you get to a point in your internet marketing career where you need or want to learn how to create professional audio or video presentations I would strongly recommend using Power Point, Sony Sound Forge and Sony Vegas Movie Studio. I use all of these and I would have to say Sony’s got the best editing software out there. It is easy to use and it has a large, organized workspace from which to work.
Adobe Audition which is Sound Forge’s closest competitor is not very easy to use and looks like a cluttered mess. Sadie, another editing software is also hard to use and is extremely expensive.
If you are looking for a free option, I have in the past recommended Audacity. Now it’s not anywhere near the quality of Sony Sound Forge, but if you aren’t looking for anything fancy and don’t mind working in a confined editing window this could work for you. You can create a pretty good quality file without the cost of using high-end audio software.
Sound Forge comes in two different versions. There is the less expensive Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio, which will probably take care of most of the stuff you want to do and the more expensive Sony Sound Forge 8, which gives you better sound quality among other features.
Sony’s Vegas Movie Studio is outstanding also because it allows you to easily edit, capture and create DVD’s, CD’s and VCD’s. It is also very inexpensive compared to Adobe’s Video Collection Professional – although Adobe’s software is more geared towards the professional movie maker whereas Sony’s software is more entry level editing software.
If you already know how to use Sony Sound Forge then it will be fairly easy for you to figure out Sony Vegas Movie Studio. Basically, all you have to do is drop in the audio, import the audio into Sony Vegas Movie Studio and then you’ll simply need to import the PowerPoint in there. Then all you’ll have to do is render it as either an MP4, MPEC, .mov or .avi. Once you do that you’ll be able to create your video fairly quickly.
All of these options are an excellent choice if you’re venturing out into the web audio/video sphere. You really can’t go wrong and highly recommend you check any of the above mentioned software out.
How to Create an Audio or Video
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